Youth & Family

St. Anns youth at Martin Luther King, Jr. March

St. Ann’s youth and members at Martin Luther King, Jr. March

Children and Youth

St. Ann’s is a caring, supportive place for all families to learn about God’s grace and loving kindness through outreach, art and the Word. Although we are a small church, St. Ann’s is home to a vibrant and close-knit group of families. We pride ourselves on fostering intergenerational relationships.
St. Ann’s does not “wall off” our children and youth from the rest of the church; our youth actively participate in the full life of the congregation.

Throughout the year children and youth participate in such intergenerational,
church-wide activities as:

Advent Wreath Making (where families/individuals build an Advent wreath to take home)

Hanging of the Greens (decorating the church the week before Christmas)

•Volunteering as hosts to welcome guests for Room in the Inn

•Participating in an Epiphany Pageant

•Walking in the annual MLK March (see photo above).

Game Nights for all ages, held a few times each year

•Volunteering with East Nashville Hope Exchange (parties/Reading Buddies)

•Participating in the annual Pride Parade/Event

Christian Education for children and youth is held weekly during the school year.

Our current age groups:


Age 3 through first grade

In our youngest class, children make crafts and discuss picture book versions of common Bible stories. Our teachers aim to welcome our youngest students with a fun introduction to the language and concepts found in the Episcopal Church.

It is here that children begin to learn that church is a safe, welcoming and fun place!



Second grade through sixth grade (10-11)

The elementary class typically reads the weekly Gospel passage; however, for the 2023-’24 school year the two veteran teachers plan to take the class through important Old Testament readings. The readings serve as a springboard for discussion and a craft or game. Teachers recognize the importance of helping students discover and express their God-given gifts. Creating a joy-filled hour where students (and teachers) can grow and learn how to serve God and God’s people is such an important part of St. Ann’s mission!



Seventh grade (11-12) and older

Students in our oldest class build upon their lectionary-based knowledge from earlier years, now learning about church history, the Book of Common Prayer and how church and faith intersect in their daily lives. A confirmation class may be offered depending on the age of the students. An important element of this class involves connecting God’s love to social justice issues. Some of their favorite activities have been writing a congregational anti-racism statement during the pandemic, and discussing indigenous Christianity. Our teenagers engage with God’s mission of justice from all different angles.

“I really appreciate how my Sunday School teachers tie religion to current events,” said one teen parishioner. “They are very creative!”